Saturday 18 February 2012

Conventions Of A Psychological Thriller

It is important for us as a group to be aware of the conventions of a psychological thriller so that we include them within out film opening. Conventions of a psychological thriller may include:
  • The main protagonist is involved in the chain of events through chance or curiosity. It is important that we portray our main protagonist as innocent and show then going about their day to day life in order to show this. We will not show the chain of events in our opening as we do not want to reveal the plot line, however, we are able to hint at the events that will occur.
  • Steady paced or fast paced editing. This would then  be echoed throughout the film, and can help to build tension. Throughout the film, Todorov's equilibrium theory may be used to build tension and reflect the apprehension of the characters in the film.  
  • Low key lighting when protagonist is on their own or in a situation with negative consequences to help create a sinister atmosphere. However, high key lighting may be used when they are seen going about their day to day life.
  • Closeups on main protagonist to show their importance. Closeups may also be used to highlight objects which hold connotations of death or danger, for example blood or a gun.

  • Main protagonist is dressed in dark clothes, holding negative connotations.Slow sinister non-diegetic music, often strings, to help create a dark and sinister atmosphere. The pace may increase as the action picks up.
  • Titles in red connoting danger, or white connoting innocence on a black background which holds negative connotations.

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