Tuesday 21 February 2012

Film Opening Time Lines

Forrest Gump (1994) Opening Sequence Timeline 

Forrest Gump was produced in 1994 by Paramount Pictures and is a Drama and Comedy. It was directed by  Robert Zemeckis and stars Tom Hanks.

Juno (2007) Opening Sequence Timeline

Juno is an independent film released in 2007 and produced by Fox Search Light Pictures, Mr Mudd and Mandate Pictures. It is a comedy starring Ellen Page and was directed by Jason Reitmean.

Inception (2010) Opening Sequence Timeline

Inception was produced by Warner Brothers and directed by Christopher Nolan. The action films stars Leonardo DiCaprio.

The Kite Runner Opening Sequence Timeline

The Kite Runner was released in 2007 and based on the book by Khelad Hossini. It is a drama and romance that stars Khalid Adalla and was directed by Marc Foster.

Looking at film opening sequences and creating time lines will help us when producing our film openings because it has allowed us to see which credits we need to include, roughly when they should appear and how long for. It has also highlighted any credits we did not consider. The opening credits will help out film opening look more professional, and allows everyone who was part of the film to gain recognition. 

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