Thursday 3 May 2012

Final Cut

Audience Feedback

Amy Bowman- 17

  • sound over logo grabbed attention
  • non diegetic sound
  • Introduction of main title
  • Some titles were unreadable
  • At one point the camera was blurry

Alexander Cotton- 16
  • Sound was good
  • Liked the shot of Harry sleeping when you could see the room
  • Did not like the use of titles
  • Could not read all of the titles
  • Monotonous

Sean Greenaway- 17
  • Acting was good
  • Good use of music
  • Understood the plot

  • Some titles were distracting
  • Should have introduced Penny

Overall, this feedback shows that our consideration of sound was good and that it had a positive effect on the film. There was a general feel from verbal feed back that the viewers understood what was happening, but may not have fully. However, this is common for an opening as it is meant to encourage questions and encourage the viewer to continue watching.  However, it seems that the use of titles was not as well received as we would have hoped. In hinds sight, we could have made some of the clearer, for example the title shown on the bottle of pills could have been written and bigger. We could have also have shown them for longer. One comment showed that our opening was monotonous, which we hoped would have been resolved through the fast paced editing and turn of events seen. To overcome this, we could have shown Harry going about various aspects of his life or introduced other character, even briefly. 

Rough Cut Two

Charlotte Morrison-18
  • Good use of non diegetic sound
  • Good integrated titles
  • Good range of camera angles, tilts, pans and close ups
  • Obvious genre
  • Could have varied camera angles
  • Shaky camera at some points
Mollie Rose Turkentine-17
  • Non diegetic music made story clear
  • good fast pace
  • Story line was clearer and easier to understand
  • Obvious genre
  • Can tell actor is reading
  • Pill bottle out of focus
  • Days should have been made clearer
Caitlin Scott- 17
  • Music matched and enhanced mood
  • Liked the integrated titles
  • Obvious genre
  • Untidy handwriting
  • Sometimes it was unfocused (camera)
Steven Adcock- 16
  • Good use of lighting
  • Props were effective
  • Good music
  • Writing could have been neater
  • days should have been made clearer

Ellie Rose- 15
  • Understood the plot
  • Good use of music

  • Only one character
  • Did not understand the time frame

Rough Cut One

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Evaluation Question Five

Evaluation Question Four

Who would be the audience of your media product?

The audience of our product is 15 year old teenage boys. Older teenagers would also enjoy the film and have similar interests. Below is a mind map of their interests, likes and dislikes.

Why our target audience would watch our film:
  • The male gaze theory would be used to appeal to the male audience.
  • There would be a lot of action and the film would be fast paced. Research has shown me that this is what teenage boys look in for films. Also they like the genre of Thriller, which our film fits into.
  • Teenage boys may have issues with parents, like Penny and Harry do, allowing them to relate to the film.
  • Music used would be modern, and therefore enjoyable for the target audience.
  • The group of teenagers seen in the film would be of the age of the audience, allowing them to feel more involved in the film, resulting in them accepting what happens. This is the Hyperdermic Needle Theory.
  • The film is certificated a 15, allowing the audience to see it with out parental supervision, so they may go and see it in the cinema 'because they can'.