Taxi Driver (1976)
This opening sequence has an open narrative and introduces the main protagonist.
The main title of the film was revealed in an exhaust fume, creating an eerie atmosphere. The yellow juxtaposes this dark atmosphere as it holds more positive connotations, connoting that a negative event will happen to an innocent person. It also reflects the color of taxis. The title was also revealed at the height of the fast paced, low pitched sinister diegetic music, adding to the suspense. This diegetic music is heard again when the main protagonist is seen. This connotes that he is the source of danger, and is a dark, sinister character.This is followed by a close up on the main protagonist connoting his importance. This then leads into a shot reverse shot with the man sitting at the desk. The main protagonist has the first shot, connoting his power within the film. A low angled shot is also used on the main protagonist further connoting his power and importance. While the main protagonist is talking to the person behind the desk, no non-diegetic music is heard, connoting an everyday scenario and representing the main protagonist as an innocent member of society. The normality of the main protagonist is further enhanced by the diegetic conversation hear, for example, he did not have a criminal record and also held a clean driving license.
Memento (2000)
This opening has an open narrative and introduces the main protagonist. It also hints what the film is going to be about through the backwards event, although does not reveal a lot. The backwards events signifies that the film is going to make the audience think. This combines with the blood and gun (which are signifiers of a thriller and denote death and danger) connotes that this film is a psychological thriller. This is also connoted by the glasses that have fallen to the floor, connoting wisdom, as the man shot could have solved the mystery of the film. The shaking of the picture and the picture fading also connotes this genre as, realistically, the audience know that that con not happen and therefore connotes that the film is going to make the audience think. The blood in the picture also connotes danger and death and the white background of the photo connotes the protagonist's innocence. There is low key natural lighting throughout this opening, connoting a dark and sinister atmosphere. The main protagonist is also wearing brown, holding negative and dark connotations. He is dressed in an everyday outfit, connoting that he is an innocent man who has been pulled into this situation through curiosity or a chain of events. Non-diegetic music of low strings are heard, this adds tho the sinister atmosphere, and adds sadness to the seen. It also helps to create an element of suspense. The main titles are in blue, connoting the innocence of some of the characters seen in the film. There is a constant closeup on the picture, connoting its importance and significance within the film.
The Usual Suspects (1995)
This opening also has an open narrative and introduces the audience to the main character. Although, they do not get to see his face, this adds to the element of suspicion within the opening. There is a low angled shot used on this man, connoting his power and dominance within the film. Many closeups are used within this opening to show objects such as fire and a gun, which both hold connotations of danger and death, highlighting the danger they connotes and suggesting their importance and significance throughout the film. Low key natural lighting is used throughout this extract, contributing to the dark and dangerouse atmosphere created. At the beginning of the opening, no non-diegetic sound is hear, enhancing the isolation of the character seen. However, slow low strings are slowly introduce, this non-diegetic music connotes a sinister atmosphere and give the audience the impression that something bad is going to happen.The diegetic conversation between the two men appears to be informal and colloquial, for example, "how you doing Keith". This connotes that the men have met before and implies that they are friends. This makes the following event a surprise.
The Talented Mr Ripley (1999)
This opening also has an open narrative and introduces the main protagonist. The narration creates an element of suspicion as it says that a chain of events happened due to a borrowed jacket. This introduces the plot without telling the audience the story line. It also shows that there is going to be a flash back and the narrator is looking over past events. It further connotes that the main protagonist was a normal person who got caught up in a situation due to coincidence. This is a convention of a thriller and psychological thriller. The main protagonist is revealed gradually, creating an element of suspicion about him. It also connotes that more will be revealed about the character as the film progresses. This results in a closeup of him, highlighting his importance. The titles are white and to begin with are show on a black background which holds negative connotations such as death. This connotes that the main protagonist is innocent, and should not be held responsible for the sinister events that will be told. "talented" is in red, connoting that the main protagonists talents are what caused him to be in danger, or may be a danger to others. This word had kept changing, creating a sense of confusion and briefly revealing some character traits to the audience. The non-diegetic slow piano and high pitched vocals are heard, creating a sinister atmosphere. To begin with, the lighting is low key and natural, adding to the sinister atmosphere and connoting that the chain of events have had a negative impact on his life. However, at the wedding, lighting is high key and natural, connoting that before he borrowed the jacket he lead a normal happy life.
Vantage Point (2008)
This opening is very simplistic and has an open narrative.The aerial and establishing shots used help set the scene, showing a city and also hint that there may be protests. Only part of the shots also being shown connotes that the events will be shown only through a narrow view. The titles are in white, connoting the innocence of the people involved. However, the main title is written in black, holding connotations of death. The black background further connotes death. The slow, sinister non-diegetic music helps to create a dark atmosphere, and helps add an element of suspicion to the scene.
In all of these openings, the editing is continuous and of a steady pace. This connotes that the person involved needs to take a step back and think about the situation before jumping to conclusions or taking actions. This should be reflected throughout the film.